"But our very Life came down to earth and bore our death, and slew it with
the very abundance of his own life. And, thundering, he called us to return to him
into that secret place from which he came forth to us--coming first into the virginal
womb, where the human creature, our mortal flesh, was joined to him that it might
not be forever mortal--and came “as a bridegroom coming out his chamber, rejoicing
as a strong man to run a race.” For he did not delay, but ran through the world,
crying out by words, deeds, death, life, descent, ascension--crying aloud to us to
return to him. And he departed from our sight that we might return to our hearts
and find him there. For he left us, and behold, he is here. He could not be with us
long, yet he did not leave us. He went back to the place that he had never left, for
“the world was made by him.” In this world he was, and into this world he came,
to save sinners. To him my soul confesses, and he heals it, because it had sinned
against him. O sons of men, how long will you be so slow of heart? Even now after
Life itself has come down to you, will you not ascend and live? But where will you
climb if you are already on a pinnacle and have set your mouth against the
heavens? First come down that you may climb up, climb up to God. For you have
fallen by trying to climb against him. Tell this to the souls you love that they may
weep in the valley of tears, and so bring them along with you to God, because it is by
his spirit that you speak thus to them, if, as you speak, you burn with the fire of
Confessions, Book IV, ch. xii, sec. 19 (Albert C. Outler, trans. 1955).
Confessions, Book IV, ch. xii, sec. 19 (Albert C. Outler, trans. 1955).